Welcome to the official blog of Diamond Sky Cakes. Diamond Sky Cakes is a home bakery in Lawrenceville, NJ and we create custom cakes, cupcakes and cookies baked from scratch. My name is Lucy and I'm the owner, baker, designer, social media manager, accountant...you get the idea...for Diamond Sky Cakes.

I started up this business in late 2021 because I love to bake. I've been baking since I can remember, and I have a huge sweet tooth. I was inspired to start cake decorating after watching many episodes of Ace of Cakes and cake decorating competitions on the Food
Network. I thought, hey I want to do that! So, I dove right in and signed up for a cake decorating class.
Once I had the basics down, I was off and running. I started baking cakes for the birthdays of my kids and my nieces and nephews and eventually friends started asking about them too. I loved how excited people were when they saw my designs and quite a few people told me I should start up a business.
Alas, here in NJ, it wasn't legal to operate a business selling home baked goods, and I wasn't of the mind to open a commercial bakery. So I just kept baking for family and for my own enjoyment, trying out new things, and getting better and better.
Finally, in 2021 a cottage food law was passed in NJ making it legal to sell baked goods from home. That's when Diamond Sky Cakes was born.
Curious what kind of desserts we make? Check out the Gallery page on our website to see pictures of some of our favorite cakes, cupcakes and decorated sugar cookies.